Our church's roots began 168 years ago. From its conception in 1852 where a few individuals gathered making a joyful noise in praise and worship. We have always been a church of highest praise and because our manner of worship and praise was a bit too loud for some our first gatherings were moved to Girard Baptist Church, still a bit too loud, where we were given land for a church and school. This was our Franchise, and in 1882, a wooden frame building was erected and our name became Franchise Baptist Church. From our wooden edifice to a
brick building along with renovations and expansions to our new church building where we first worshipped in 1999. Our growing church of over 1500 members continue to enjoy the heritage of our forefathers; worshipping and praising God we have forged forward. From our earlier generations; their sons and daughters, and their sons and daughters constantly
remembering from whence we came believing in our God who has
sustained us throughout these 168 years.
We have experienced growth in membership and service and have
progressed from having worship twice monthly to every Sunday begin-
ning with an eight o'clock worship, Sunday school, broadcast on radio
and television, 10:50 worship, 6 o'clock Discipleship Training, and at 7 o'clock evening worship every first Sunday. Our worships also includefamily night worship, and noonday Bible Studies on Wednesday. Our ministries include our Music Ministry, Usher, Youth, W.W.T.K., Host and Hostess, Deacon and Trustee, Deacon and Trustee Wives, Medical, Women Missionary Union, Tape, Christian Education, Evangelism, Sunday school, Bereavement, Minister, Missions, Young Adult and Baptism Ministry and Beautification Ministry.
Beside the ministries mentioned we also have a daily "feed the hungry program, and offer scholarships to our college students.
As our church has grown and is continuing its growth we have had
many individuals who have aided in this growth. From 1852 to present we have had 15 pastors. From 1970-2008 we have licensed 25 ministers. We have had only 1 Assistant Pastor. From 1882 to present 137 deacons have been ordained. 1924-1973, 23 Trustees, 1924-1999, 13 secretaries, and 7 Sunday school superintendents. We are a church serving one Lord, one faith, and one baptism. A congregation of believers who as our forefathers were continuing to lift our eyes unto the hills giving God all praise and worship for all he has done.
This is our history!